Wed, Mar 3, 2021

1 PM – 2 PM EST (GMT-5)

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In the Queering the Conversation series, we invite guest scholars and community activists from a variety of disciplines to join us to share their expertise on specific topics related to the LGBTQ community. For more information, check out our Ram Connect,, or contact us at, or 610-436-3147.

Synopsis: Given the consequences of racism, heterosexism, cissexism, adultism, and violence across systems, homeless LGBTQ young people may need to trade sex to make money, gain shelter, food, and access safety. Trans women, and in particular Trans Women of Color, may face barriers to accessing formal sector employment due to intersections of heterosexism, cissexism, and racism. In Dr. Panichelli's dissertation research (finished in 2018), she found that within social work education content focused on sex work and sex trafficking the experiences of LGBTQIA+ among others were largely invisible. Given the social work profession's mission to advocate for the well-being and needs of those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty, social work education must teach students about the diverse experiences of youth and adults of involved in the sex trades by choice, coercion, or circumstance. This talk will explore the experiences of LGBTQIA+ sex workers, disrupt common misconceptions about those involved in sex trades, and engage in dialogue with the audience about topics of interest related to sex trade and trans and queer communities.

Bio: Dr. Panichelli is currently an Assistant Professor in the Undergraduate Social Work Department. Her academic foundation in Women's and Gender Studies instilled in her a commitment to intersectional feminist politics, anti-racist and anti-oppressive social work practice, and the values of transformative justice. In her past work experience, she managed a harm reduction program for injection drug users and people working in sex trades, coordinated an LGBTQ domestic violence program, trained and supported advocacy staff at a Domestic Violence shelter, and facilitated sexual violence prevention education with K-12th graders. Dr. Panichelli's teaching and research are grounded in queer, feminist, and anti-racist approaches to social work, and she is interested in social work practice(s) that do not rely on the criminal legal system. She has taught, researched, presented, and published on the intersections of sex work, activism, and queer politics; social work practice with LGBTQIA+ communities; intimate partner violence within LGBTQIA+ communities, and facilitated the Relationship Skills Course curriculum by the NW Network of Bi, Trans, Lesbian and Gay Survivors of Abuse.

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