Be Bold, Be Brave! Critical Conversations About All Things Barbie
Sykes Student Union Theater
700 S High St, West Chester, PA 19382, United States
Join us for a FREE showing of the Barbie movie followed by thoughtful conversations about the film and related topics like racial justice, gender justice, body size, mental health, and more!
Small group discussions and descriptions are listed at the bottom of this page. Attendees will have the option to select their small group discussion on the day of the event after the screening.
4:00 Meet and Greet – Come get your picture with Rammy in a life-sized Barbie box, a signed copy of An American Icon in Puerto Rico, and some cool Barbie swag!
4:30 Critical Conversations of All Things Barbie: Opening Discussion with Dr. Emily Aguilo Perez and her students!
5:00 Barbie Movie: Settle in and watch this fun and iconic film FOR FREE!
7:00 Grab some dinner and go to your small group discussion to dig more deeply into fun and thoughtful conversations about Barbie as it relates to our lives!
Past Events
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Barbie's figure has long represented an unattainable ideal - what does the movie do to echo or alter perceptions around body size, ability, disability and Barbie? Join us to explore the complexities of body neutrality and acceptance in the world of Barbie.
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Let's talk about Ken(s)'s story. Is it man-hating, a defense of men, or something altogether different? Understanding the Kens should help us better understand men, masculinity, and gender more generally. And if not, it will at least be fun to talk about.
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Let's talk about how Barbie is representation of women but also not all women! We'll also discuss that very powerful monologue from the movie.
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Barbie is a cultural icon - but whose culture does she represent? Black Barbie is President in the movie - does she have to achieve those heights to have representation? Let's chat about all things race and ethnicity as they relate to the movie and the phenomenon that is Barbie.
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Let's talk about Barbie's journey from a realm of perfection to the messiness of reality. We can explore how we can take these lessons to our own lives and better care for our mental health.