CFP: 2019 Women's Leadership Conference

Call For Proposals: Facing the Future Together: 2019 WCU Women's Leadership Conference

Apply to present a session at Facing the Future Together: 2019 Women's Leadership Conference on Saturday, September 21, 2019.

We are seeking breakout sessions (45 minutes) and Ignite Sessions (25 minutes).

Breakout sessions: Dive into the issues or barriers unique to women leaders. Breakout sessions are designed to provide an in-depth look at leadership barriers unique to women. They give space for examination of identities, privilege, and provide useful strategies for navigating and addressing the persistent barriers which contribute to the leadership gap. The best breakout sessions are timely, engaging, and require active input from participants to make connections.

Ignite sessions: Build community or learn a skill in 25 minutes! Ignite sessions are designed to light a fire in the hearts and minds of participants. They fuel passion about an issue related to women's leadership, build strength within a group, and/or impart a skill for immediate use. The best Ignite sessions are personal and practical: They include opinions, recognize lived experience, and emphasize meaningful action. The idea is to produce both a spark and an outlet for the subsequent fire.

Preference will be given to sessions that focus on the goals and learning outcomes of the conference. The Women’s Leadership Conference is an annual co-curricular experience to examine leadership challenges that are unique to women. Our goal is to educate, empower, and inspire those who identify as women to become effective leaders and advocates for themselves and others.

Learning Outcomes
  • Develop skills to overcome leadership barriers that disproportionately affect women.
  • Learn effective strategies to advocate for themselves and others in professional and social settings, especially with regard to issues of sexism, racism, homophobia, and classism.
  • Establish a network of allies for support and mentorship that can grow over time.

