Banner for Winter Welcome Week: Break the Ice: Learn How To Get Involved at WCU

Winter Welcome Week: Break the Ice: Learn How To Get Involved at WCU

by Office of New Student Programs

Welcome Week Orientation

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Wed, Jan 24, 2024

5 PM – 7 PM EST (GMT-5)

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Stop by and find your place at the Break The Ice - Learn How to Get Involved at WCU! Explore the many ways to find involvement opportunities. At Break the Ice, our Leadership Consultants meet incoming students to provide resources to learn about involvement opportunities, utilize our campus organization platform, and get a feel for how many unique student organizations exist on campus!

This event is FREE and serves as a great opportunity for students to learn about the 300+ student organizations that exist on campus on how to get involved at WCU.

Hosted By

Office of New Student Programs | Website | View More Events
Co-hosted with: Leadership Empowerment and Development

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