Recognized Clubs & Organizations - Academic/Professional Club/Org.
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Marina-Dawn Abney, Email group officers
Mission The purpose of this organization is to support pre-health students at West Chester University and other institutions, by providing them with the tools necessary to successfully complete their undergraduate education, and apply to professional school. General body meetings are used to foster a close-knit diverse student pre-health community, bring in medical school students and faculty, West Chester University faculty, health professionals, and representatives from various test preparation companies, such as the Princeton Review and Kaplan. All of these speakers are brought in to help guide our pre-health members to the successful completion of their undergraduate education, and matriculation into their desired professional school.
Membership BenefitsThe members will benefit from learning about what it takes in undergrad to get into professional school. They can have doctors, and admission counselors come speak to them and help them in their journey. Members can also visit medical schools and different conferences to expose them to the world of medicine. Members can come to weekly meeting and meet with other diverse pre-medical students.
Minorities in Medicine has a total of 1490 points.
Lifetime membership