Sustainability Peer Educators

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

WCU Sustainability Peer Educators are undergraduate students who help organize and lead sustainability education and outreach programs primarily in WCU residence halls. Their goal is to promote a thorough understanding of sustainability by emphasizing the interconnections between the environmental, social, and economic aspects of our local and global society. They encourage peers to engage in and support a campus culture that embraces sustainability principles and promotes a healthy, just future for all.









Members Benefits

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Events & Activities

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Exclusive Resources

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel graeco dicunt id, ex pro hendrerit definitiones, vix ea ancillae abhorreant deterruisset. Et enim magna molestiae vim.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel graeco dicunt id, ex pro hendrerit definitiones, vix ea ancillae abhorreant deterruisset. Et enim magna molestiae vim.

Our Team

Katie Ulmer Profile

Katie Ulmer

Renee Blacksmith Profile

Renee Blacksmith

Angela Hill Profile

Angela Hill

Eva Gbapo Profile

Eva Gbapo

Abigail Thomas Profile

Abigail Thomas

Finn Schmidhuber Profile

Finn Schmidhuber

Emma Galantuomo Profile

Emma Galantuomo

Calli Lambard Profile

Calli Lambard

Kathy Tran Profile

Kathy Tran

Alden Ritchey Profile

Alden Ritchey

Bradley Flamm Profile

Bradley Flamm



Sustainability Peer Educators

700 S High St
West Chester PA 19382
United States