From: Abigail Thomas Date: August 26, 2024 Subject: Happy First Day from GPS!
Hi everyone!
I want to extend a warm welcome back to WCU from the Geography and Planning Society, also known as GPS. We are so excited to get this organization up and running again, whether you're a returning member or new to GPS, we can't wait to see you back at our events.
This semester, we have a ton of things in store to help foster a community for our Geography and Planning students. Whether it be through our tutoring sessions, GIS Day, APA networking events or a movie night, we are excited to get our GPS community together. We will also use GPS to promote available internships, jobs, and other opportunities at WCU and beyond! That being said if anyone needs any work-study opportunities, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Coutu if you need one.
We will be at the Involvement Fair on Sept. 4th from 11am-2pm, we would love for you to stop by and meet the new board! Feel free to register for it via Ram Connect. Keep an eye on your inbox for updates on our first meeting after the Involvement Fair. We will discuss potential events and how you can get involved, your participation and ideas are vital to the success of GPS, so we encourage everyone to contribute!
Follow us on Instagram @geoplanwcu and Tiktok @wcugeoplan!!
Best regards,
Abi Thomas
President, Geography & Planning Society
Come meet the Geography and Planning Society! We will be having a table at the involvement fair this year where you can learn about the club and what we do as well as meet new people.