Women in Computer Science Club

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

The Women in Computer Science Club is dedicated to helping all women in the computer science field succeed. We have bi-weekly meetings where we give an overview of upcoming events and open the floor for members to voice their opinions on what they want to see implemented in the near future. We host a variety of social and academic-oriented events such as Dine-and-Donate, Tech Bootcamps, Resume Workshop (Sponsored by the Career Development Center), and Guest Speakers from big companies in the area such as Vanguard and Vertex. If this sounds like a club that you are interested in joining, read more below or click the Join Us button to join our Ram Connect group!

Our Executive Board

Sophia Greenwalt Profile

Sophia Greenwalt

River Gennaria Profile

River Gennaria

Olivia Tarsillo Profile

Olivia Tarsillo

Ayza Syed Profile

Ayza Syed

Liu Cui Profile

Liu Cui

Paige Mervine Profile

Paige Mervine

Leadership Consultant

Membership Benefits

Members of the Women in Computer Science Club have access to exclusive opportunities. Read more below to find out how you can get the most out of our club!

Events & Activities

We host a handful of events each semester. Our most popular ones are our Bootcamps. We host Bootcamps on a variety of subjects, our most recent being Python, lead by Professor Ngo. We also send members to the Grace Hopper Celebration each year!

Exclusive Resources

Gain exposure to local companies that partner with our club! You are able to talk with professionals in the industry right here on campus and get advice on applying for internships or full time jobs! Many of these companies hire right out of the university.


Make connections with other members of the club, whether that is a professional connection or a friendship! These connections you make now can make a huge impact on your college career and even give you access to more resources!

Contact Us

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Contact us with any questions, concerns, or inquiries you have. We are happy to chat!

Email: President River Gennaria or Secretary Sophia Greenwalt