Deaf Studies Minor
"This program is designed to enable students to have greater awareness of, understanding of, and expertise in the Deaf community, their culture and language. Practical application of language use, cultural appreciation, and understanding of deafness from a diversity viewpoint are stressed through three unique tracks: diversity track, culture track, and language track."
Core Requirements: 6 credits
ASL 101/CSD 110 Elementary American Sign Language I 3
ASL 102/CSD 111 Elementary American Sign Language II 3
After these two classes are taken...
Choose ONE of the following tracks to complete the Deaf Studies Minor...
Culture Track: 12 credits
ASL 201 Intermediate American Sign Language I
ASL 202 Intermediate American Sign Language II
DST 255 Introduction to Deaf Studies
DST 357 Deaf Culture Perspectives
Language Track: 12 credits
ASL 201 Intermediate American Sign Language I
ASL 202 Intermediate American Sign Language II
ASL 301 Advanced American Sign Language I
ASL 302 Advanced American Sign Language II
Diversity Track: 12 credits
DST 255 Introduction to Deaf Studies (required for Diversity track)
DST 355 Deaf History (required for Diversity track)
Then select two of the following courses to earn the remaining 6 credits of the Diversity Track...
DST 357 Deaf Culture Perspectives
ASL 201 Intermediate American Sign Language I
ASL 207 Intermediate American Sign Language II
CSD 203 Speech and Hearing Science
CSD 204 Speech and Language Development
Total Minimum Credits Required for Deaf Studies Minor: 18